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Denoise AI from Topaz Labs


Free 30d trial version. License: 79USD


Denoise AI is a superb tool to remove noise without losing details, and it works well in many cases (planets, nebulas, clusters...). It gives a nice final polish, and could even bring back to life some old pictures I considered lost. I use it as a standalone application, not in PS.


Some caveats:


  • It may induce some artificial patterns (oriented grains, small tiles, or "crocodile skin effect), or small unnatural artifacts so one must be cautious.

  • It seems that the intensity or location (to a lesser extent) of these patterns depends on the region of interest selection, so checking the tweak in different regions of the picture is a must.

  • Always save pictures versions with various denoising intensity as in the heat of refining settings, it is very easy to end up with over-processed images.


Some features that could be implemented to improve user experience:


  • Having the left comparison window offering the last tweak beside the initial image, to better refine settings

  • Processing time may be a bit long (10-30s) especially when experimenting with several settings combinations.


Example of use can be found here. Overall a great addition to my range of processing software. Topaz Labs also offers such as Sharpen AI and Gigapixel AI (picture size enhancement) that may worth to test.



Gigapizel AI from Topaz Labs


Free 30d trial version. License: 80USD


This utility is extremely useful to enlarge image of small objects: planets, planetary nebula, small galaxies. Example of results obtained vs the drizzle function in Autostakkert! can be found here.




Denoise AI pub.PNG
GigaPix logo.PNG
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